Scalaris | An upgraded version of Tendermint

Scalaris Architecture

Scalaris is designed as a state-of-the-art framework for building blockchains utilizing DAG leaderless consensus protocols, providing significant performance benefits over traditional consensus mechanisms. The architecture of Scalaris integrates several innovative components to ensure compatibility with existing blockchain ecosystems while maximizing efficiency, scalability, and robustness.

At the core of Scalaris is its parallel consensus mechanism, based on DAG leaderless consensus protocols such as Narwhal & Bullshark and Mysticeti. This mechanism offers several key advantages:

  • High Throughput: By eliminating the communication overhead associated with multiple rounds of consensus and allowing validators to commit new blocks by examining their local views, Scalaris achieves significantly higher throughput, capable of handling up to 400,000 transactions per second (TPS).

  • Reduced Latency: Separating data propagation from the consensus process and allowing independent local view consensus reduces overall latency, enabling rapid transaction finalization.

  • Efficiency and Scalability: Validators can fully utilize their computational resources, continuously processing and committing transactions without waiting for extensive coordination. This enhances the efficiency and scalability of the entire network.

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